Summer by the Sea avec Claire Saunders

(Authorized Level 2 Ashtanga Yoga Teacher)

– Du lundi 5 au samedi 31 aout 2024 –

Description :

Un mois de pratique avec Claire Saunders. (Possibilités de 1,2,3
ou 4 semaines)…

(Si les élèves choisissent l’options de 4 semaines, cela se qualifie comme un
prérequis avant d’étudier avec Sharath Jois (Guru de l’Ashtanga Yoga) a
Mysore en Inde).

Un mois d’Ashtanga Intensif.
Nous vous proposons ici à Marseille, une pratique quotidienne de Mysore et pranayama (du lundi au vendredi) ainsi qu’une série dirigée et une ‘Master Class (atelier)’ tous les samedis

Claire est une étudiante dévouée á la méthode traditionnelle de Yoga
Ashtanga. Elle a voyagé presque chaque année depuis 1999
pour étudier le yoga, et la musique indienne (centrée sur le bansuri),
l’Ayurveda, les mantras, la méditation, et la philosophie védique.
Claire était l’étudiante de Pattabhi Jois et continue encore d’étudier avec
son petit-fils Sharath Jois. Elle pratique les asanas de la première série ainsi que des séries
intermédiaires et avancés.
En plus de ses études d’ Ashtanga Yoga, Claire a passé beaucoup d’années
sous la supervision directe de Swami Niranjanananda et de ses professeurs
qui apprennaient le Bhakti Yoga.

Tous les cours sont en français et en anglais.


Du lundi au vendredi
7h00 – 9h00 : Ashtanga Yoga Mysore
9h30 – 10h15 : Pranayama et Mantra Chanting

Lundi et jeudi
11h30 – 12h30 : Philosophie et mythologie du yoga

9h00 – 11h00 : 1ère série dirigée et relaxation
11h30 – 13h00 : Master Class (Atelier)
Approfondissement de la pratique, correction/technique
des asanas, philosophie du yoga, relaxation et chant/kirtan (avec

1) Programme complet :
– 1 Semaine : 300€
– 2 Semaines : 450€
– 3 Semaines : 500€
– 4 Semaines : 550€

2) 10 Class Pass (Valable uniquement pour les cours de Mysore,
Pranayama, ou samedi ‘led class’ en aout 2024) : 180€
3) 20 Class Pass (Valable uniquement pour les cours de Mysore, Pranayama
ou samedi ‘led class’ en aout 2024) : 320€
4) Individual Classes : –
-Mysore et Saturday Led Primary : 25€
– Pranayama and Chanting : 20€
– Philosophie et Mythologie du Yoga : 30€
– Saturday Master Class : 35€

Inscription et règlement auprès de Claire. Saunders par mail ici :

Illuminating our inner shala with Kia Naddermier

  • Du vendredi 18 au mardi 22 octobre 2024 –

Kia weaves an embodied approach to Ashtanga Yoga with classical Pranayama (Kaivalyadham-lineage), Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation and Compassion Practices
Being a devoted practitioner in Yogic and Buddhist traditions she draws heavily from both streams of wisdom. During the immersion we delve into these somatic teachings as vehicles of insight, inviting us to awaken our heart through the wisdom of our body.We will approach these transformative teachings with an inclusive mindset, enabling you to inform, deepen and inspire your practice regardless of current experience – beginner, intermediate or advanced. The workshop welcomes all levels of practitioners and teachers. Mysore classes requires that you have an established self practice.


“Our journey of becoming is shaped by how we nurture our inner garden. The virtues we cultivate to blossom, the habits we uproot, and the bravery we muster to turn away from cynicism and compassionately embrace the wholeness of life in its myriad forms” Kia Naddermier

Kia Naddermier has been a devoted practitioner for more than 30 years. She is the founder of Mysore Yoga Paris – a global yoga community dedicated to an embodied, wholistic approach to practice.
Kia’s teachings integrate her profound knowledge of the philosophy and practice of all aspects of yoga – Asana, subtle and physical anatomy, Meditation, Kriyas, Pranayama. She is one of the first – and very few – Pranayama teachers to be certified at the highest level within the Kaivalyadham lineage. Being a dedicated Dharma practitioner, her teaching draws extensively from both Yogic and Buddhist traditions.
Kia teaches with authenticity, clarity and generosity, making ancient practices relevant in our daily lives as a means for spiritual growth and inner healing. Her deep love and years of dedication to all aspects of yoga shine through in her insightful, inspirational and compassionate teaching. Practitioners return year after year to benefit from the continuous evolution of her research, practice and understanding.

She is the co-creator of the much appreciated podcast Mysore Yoga Paris – Closer Together offering free practice resources available for all. Watch : An interview with Kia at Purple Valley


Du vendredi 18 au mardi 22 octobre  2024

Horaires (susceptibles d’être  modifiées) 
-Vendredi : 17.30-19.30
-Samedi : 9.00-12.00 et 14.00-16.30
-Dimanche : 9.00-12.00 et 14.00-16.00
-Lundi et mardi : 6.30-9.30
Merci de noter que les classes peuvent se terminer 15 minutes plus tôt ou plus tard que prévu.

Le workshop sera en Anglais 
Kia will be assisted in all classes by Lise de la Brosse.
Equipment : 2 brick blocks, a yoga belt and a towel each.


Ashtanga Yoga | Mysore | Pranayama | Meditation | Asana Inquiry

Philosophy & Pranayama
Friday- 17.30-19.30

Drawing from traditional Yogic and Buddhist teachings, Kia shares reflections and insights, and guides us through classical Pranayamas in the lineage of Kaivalyadham. We deepen our appreciation for the subtleties of breath and its significance in yogic practices and philosophy.
New students are mindfully introduced to traditional Pranayama, whilst those with more experience refine and expand their practice and understanding.  

An Embodied Approach to Ashtanga Yoga – Practice, Principles & Philosophy
Saturday & Sunday 9.00-12.00

In these inspiring and dynamic 3-hour masterclasses, Kia will share insights for developing a deeper experience of Ashtanga Yoga as a pathway back to our innate wholeness. Looking at common physical and energetic principles, we cultivate a fully embodied practice rooted in yogic teachings. We will journey through key elements of the Primary- and Intermediate Series with an explorative mindset. Refining somatic awareness along with skilful means offers us the agency, understanding and confidence to attune our yoga practice intelligently to our individual needs and motivations. It is an approach that yields exceptional rewards as it moves the practitioner towards self-reliance, self-compassion and self-realisation. These profoundly comprehensive sessions will open up new dimensions in your practice that we will continue to explore and expand on in the Mysore sessions that follow.

Asana Inquiry – Awareness, Principles, Repatterning & Discussion
Saturday Afternoon – 14.00-16.30

Cultivation of internal and physical awareness and observation skills lie at the heart of an embodied approach to Ashtanga Yoga. When we allow the beauty and form of each Asana to be an invitation for inquiry, we open to endless creative opportunities and discover new pathways for healing.
This session is designed to support teachers and practitioners wishing to deepen their understanding of the art of alignment, adjustments and repatterning, as well as uncover the dynamics that shape the methods we teach and learn through.

Sunday Afternoon 14.00-16.00

Satsang means exploring truth in the gathering of ones spiritual community, Sangha. This last afternoon session of the weekend, Kia will guide us in a centring breathing practice as well as offer space for Satsang – discussion and inquiries around the practice and philosophy of yoga.

Meditation & Mysore Practice
Monday, Tuesday morning 6.30-9.30

We open our morning with a guided meditation to align body, heart and mind. Kia may take us through the first standing postures to set a common intention, before we continue into Mysore self practice at your own rhythm.
This is a wonderful opportunity to apply the teachings from the weekend in your personal practice, while receiving individual guidance. With a sincere dedication to the growth and development of each of her students, Kia offers an including, safe and inspiring space open for personal exploration, inquiry and transformation.
All levels welcome but you need to be able to practice Mysore Style Self-Practice.

Workshop entier : 350€ – Early Bird : 320€ (jusqu’au 1er Septembre) 

Adresse du workshop : My Yoga Shala -15 Bd Vauban Marseille 6e