A Mindful Approach To The Intermediate Series Intensive 

Workshop avec Scott Johnson : a mindful approach to the Intermediate Series intensive

A 4 day Ashtanga Yoga intensive : 1st to 4th May 2025

 This training is for practitioners and teachers who are interested in learning more about practicing (and teaching)  the intermediate series of Ashtanga yoga. 

Crédit photo @adelephotographyoga

Outline of the training

 The sequence and postures of the intermediate series are a beautiful deepening of the personal inquiry that is Ashtanga yoga. 
 The intermediate series is called Nadi Shodana, nerve cleansing, for a reason. 
 It challenges the body/mind/breath in new and deeper ways and continues the therapeutic process already undertaken throughout the primary series. The intermediate vinyasas and postures then play with the physical and energetic deepening of our personal awareness of yoga practice, (tapping into new and powerful ways to notice the present moment. )
When we look at how to move ourselves or others through any sequence it’s worth taking the time to see how the patterns of a practice are placed on the patterns of and body, listening and learning from previous patterns as new ones are created. 
 This training will help you to see how the evolution of the intermediate series relates to the postures that precede it and how you can find more space and lightness throughout. 

What is the intensive.

This  intensive will give you a deep understanding of the process of moving from the primary to intermediate series and then how the intermediate series is set out. 
We will look at movement principles and alignment of the postures throughout the intermediate series. We will then practice safe yoga assists and adjustments as a response to these inquiries. (These will be accessible for all practitioners.)
We will learn to become more confident in how to  access  the intermediate series asanas that are presented and how to make positive choices for ourselves, also seeing them in others. 
There will also be daily yoga philosophy presentations and discussions that will help to land how we help ourselves and others. 
The practice of Ashtanga yoga is deeply moving. We will see how the practice has moved us and realise this is an ongoing process. A movement from one posture to the next, one series to the next… 

Over the 4 days we will track and discover that process and journey in each of us. 

Who is this intensive for?

This training is for experienced practitioners and teachers of the Ashtanga yoga who would like to learn more about how the practice works . A knowledge of the intermediate series sequencing is required 

What will you learn:

Anatomical references. 
Movement patterns and theory. 
Helpful safe adjustments 
The vinyasa count for each posture. 
How different bodies respond to the postures. 
Yoga philosophy. 

Yoga Philosophy

We will also take a detailed look at the Niyamas from the eight limbs of Ashtanga yoga.

Saucha (cleanliness)and Santosha (contentment)
Tapas (discipline)
Svadhyaya (self study)
Isvara Pranidhana (surrendering to a higher power)

Crédit Photo @adelephotographyoga

Programme : 

(Please note that the time schedule can be modified )

Thursday to Sunday : 

7h00-9h00 : Mysore self practice
9h30-10h30 : Philosophical principles (Saucha and Santosha- Tapas- Svadhyaya- Isvara Pranidhana – One concept/day)


Each day : fundamental intermediate series principles, adjustment practicum and adaptation on the poses we will work on. 

Thursday :
Looking at the primary series and key poses readying for intermediate – Marchiyasana D and drop backs up to Krounchasana, and Shalabasana a &b, Bekasana 

Friday : 
Dhanurasana/Parsva Dhanurasana, Ustrasana, Laghuvajrasana, Kapotasana, Supta Vajrasana

Saturday : 
Looking at the next six poses : Bakasana a&b, Bharadvajasana, Ardha Mastyendrasna, Eka Pada Sirsasana, Dwi Pada Sirsasana 

Sunday : 
Yoga Nidrasana, Titthibasana a/b/c, Pincha Mayurasana

Tarifs : 

Tout le stage : 430€ – EARLY BIRD 400€ jusqu’au 1er Mars

Mysore : 35€
Philosophy : 25€
Technical class : 55€